Air Conditioning Unit Placement

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Optimizing Your Air Conditioner 

After you’ve selected a type of Air Conditioning unit and assessed whether or not you will need to install ducts in your home, one of the most important considerations you must make is where you will place your unit. Among the issues at stake: 

  1. Shade:
    Your Air Conditioner should not be in direct sunlight. It can function much more efficiently if it is placed in consistent shade, allowing excess heat to dissipate faster.
  2. Noise:
    While nowhere near as loud as a window unit might be, an external Air Conditioning unit can create a significant amount of noise. Visit our Ratings Resources to learn more about how AC sound levels are measured. Place your unit in an area where it will both keep from making noise near your deck or patio while you are outdoors, and will not disturb you or a family member right outside their bedroom window. Next to a garage might be the best place for it.
  3. New Construction:
    If your home has just been built, or if you are willing to spend the money, build your AC unit on a concrete slab connected to your homes foundation so that they will not settle at different rates and put stress on refrigerant lines.
  4. Refrigerant Lines:
    Keep these lines, which connect the cooling unit to the fan in your attic or furnace in your basement as short as possible to reduce temperature gain.

How can I find out more information?

When you Request a Central Air Conditioning Quote one of our recommended Air Conditioning specialists will give you an estimate on your Home Improvement project and will help review your options to make the best possible choice regarding your particular needs and budget.